Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

The precipitation we had on Monday is over and what a mess it was. First we received 7-8 inches of snow, nice and light and fluffy. Then it started to rain and rain and rain. Snow settled down to about 4 or 5 inches and then turned to concrete. Road and yard is extremely crunchy. Headed for the deep freeze again, meaning it will stay that way for a while. 

Due to circumstances beyond my control, the area around the house and lower end of the driveway did not get plowed until Tuesday morning ~ long after the snow and slush was completely frozen. As I am now at the mercy of the Plow Dude to show up and clear the snow, I have to deal with the clean up after it happens. It is what it is.

The storm did away with the ice paths I had shoveled on the pond. They probably will not return, as I think this storm made a mess of the ice and any idea of smoothly skating on it. Neighbors from up the pond did show up and get a little enjoyment out of the paths, so was not all in vain. Carol and I had a nice walk around on the pond on Sunday before all was lost in Monday’s storm.

As I headed out for my walk on Sunday I saw a pileated woodpecker fly up to a tree beside the driveway. It was gone when I reached the area where I had seen him. Big bird, there are several around the area. There is an over abundance of ancient, over mature and dead trees in the woods along the dirt roads where I walk. On last Fridays walk I saw this recent meal site made I believe, by a pileated wood pecker. 

On Sunday I could see that the site had been returned to and more boring occurred. 

The other side of the tree was attacked as well, almost through to the first side. 

Many more were noted as well. 

The larger ones were made, I believe, by the pileated wood pecker. The others could have been made by the smaller varieties of wood peckers. We have five or six different varieties that appear with regularity at the feeders by the house. Pretty to watch along with the Blue Jays, chickadees, titmouse, nuthatches, mourning doves, goldfinches, sparrows, one of Carol’s favorites the Northern Flicker and lately a couple Mountain Bluebirds have made an appearance. I am in my second 50# bag of premium seed and have placed out eight or nine suet cakes. It is fun to see them out the window as we gaze out over the frozen pond.

They say cold weather is coming, 7 degrees here now and the wind is howling. I am going to go sew and see if I can get something to show you when it is my turn again. Stay warm, stay safe.

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