Friday, October 15, 2021

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here, from the fire, Thursday evening. Beautiful evening after a beautiful day. I know this will be over, probably very soon, but I am sitting by the fire in my shorts and I just put on my long sleeved shirt layer. Pretty dang nice for October 14th. I’ll take it.

This picture sure surprises me. It’s long after sunset and the sky is black. This is a 10 second time lapse on my phone camera. Amazing what today’s technology can do. 

This was from earlier while it was still light out. 

Tomorrow I go back to the dealer to have them put in the part they ordered for my truck. Wonder how long this will solve the problem. Or even if it will, I guess time will tell.

I started cleaning up the beach of today’s accumulation of leaves. 

I woke up to relatively few leaves on the beach, but a lot of them on the water. Well sure enough, they all came ashore. I raked what I could and hauled off three wheelbarrow loads. That did not make a dent in them, they will have to wait until tomorrow. I ran out of me and ran out of daylight.

I did find a pretty leaf while I was raking the dang things. 

A couple pictures from Wednesday’s kayak ride. 

Still plugging away on the current project. Almost done with the first sashing border. Still not completely sure what will happen on final outer border. There is a slight math element I need to decide how I want to get around. I’m sure I’ll figure something out. I usually do. I have faith in me.

Today being Thursday means my walk week is ending. This week brings my total to a little over 1725 miles for the year. You all probably walked more than that, you just didn’t keep track.

On Tuesday I went to Rangeley to help our friend Michelle Rene Hiatt set up for this years Rangeley Quilt Camp. I am sure they are having a great time, I know we always did hosting and teaching the retreats. Hopefully, Carol and I can get up there tomorrow to check in. I guess they call this the passing of the torch, as Michelle has taken over our venue and continues with our Fall Quilt Camps. I forgot to get pictures of the setting up process but here is the Height of Land picture of the way home. (I did not go up that way) 

One sure thing about burning hardwood, the fireplace is full of real nice coals.  It’s too bad I don’t like s’mores as the fire is prime. I don’t want to add too much more wood because it’s time to go into the studio. I hate to go in, this may well be the last comfortable evening out by the fire. I doubt it will be the last fire, I do have long pants and heavier jackets. I just like not having to use them.

The moon created some nice images this evening as well. 

So have a great weekend, hope your weather is good, our is calling for rainy. Again, I guess time will tell. I am not a very good prognosticator, I’m more of a procrastinator. I’m lousy at the future but I sure can put off the now. Enjoy, I will.

Remember, where ever you go, there you are, if I’m supposed to meet you there and you get there first, draw a blue line where we planned to meet. If I get there first, I’ll rub it out.

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Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...