Friday, July 16, 2021

A Bit of Stitchin'

Carol here ~

Happy Friday!

I have been doing a bit of stitching. I sewed the binding on Dan’s door quilt and have been puttering on the hand stitching here and there. Almost done, down to the last side. We have been using it without the binding done, it seems to work as he had planned.

I also made a drawstring bag to use as a gift holder. The pattern is called Travelin’ Totes by Atkinson Designs. The pattern has several sizes of bags, it has been one of our favorites for many years. I looked online so I could include a link for it but could not find it anywhere. Hmmmm.

Daughter Erin arrived last night. She had Rangeley Community Chorus rehearsal then headed down after that, arriving here around 10:00. I was still awake! I made it until 9:00 then went to bed with my book and was still reading when she pulled in. She and Dan have blueberry picking on their agenda for today.

Vanessa, Kailey and Jakob arriving tomorrow morning. The kids will be staying here with Bumpa Dan to swim etc while us girls attend a baby shower for one of Dan’s niece’s. It will be nice to see some of the family as we haven’t seen most of them since before Covid.

The little tomatoes are slowly starting to ripen, a couple here and there. I’m sure it won’t be long before they all start to ripen at once and we won’t be able to eat them fast enough. My appetite hasn’t been the greatest, a lot of my favorite foods are just not appealing to me. Hopefully, the tomatoes don’t fall in that category.

This week starts my third month of chemo. Friday and Saturdays are usually the worst days of my week. Doc thinks it is the steroids that I have to take on chemo days so tweaking was done. I love that he and his team are always willing to make changes so I can continue to feel as good as I can. 

I have started to do more of my chores a little at a time.  My back is feeling pretty good, the PT is definitely strengthening it.  I'm really wanting to get in my kayak but guess I better wait a bit longer.....

Continuing with Dan’s “doing stupid” from his last post ~ I have no problem doing it too. The other morning I decided to make a batch of blueberry muffins ~ got the batter all mixed and divided evenly into the muffin tins when I realized I forgot to put the blueberries in. I guess I could of added some to the top of the muffins but that seemed like way too much work. So I guess I made non-blueberry muffins. Maybe I’ll try again this weekend WITH the blueberries.

Enjoy the weekend!


Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...