Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Dan's Ramblings

Dan again, I write this on Tuesday evening. I am no longer off my feed, I just can’t seem to get a good rhythm going the last few days.

Carol, however, is off her feed, under the weather, laid out flat or hobbling with a wheeled walker. Painful to watch but I bet a lot worse for her. Somehow she has “put her back out.” In my opinion, a very painful situation.

This happened several days ago. Probably why my rhythm has been off. She has no idea what is going on with it or how she did it. There are many “normal” everyday things that Carol does. Making the bed, changing towels and doing laundry, keeping the kitchen cleaned up and on and on ~ I’m sure many jobs I’m not even aware of. Many of these things she does as I spend a chunk of every day walking.

I do my best at all of them but know that I lack in achieving Carol’s normal attention to detail. I’m sure she notices the many tasks that I overlook and is frustrated that she hasn’t been able to do any of those things herself.

I will tell you this, I enjoy cooking, I hate cleaning up; I hate making beds; I don’t mind doing laundry but I hate folding it up after it’s dry. If I were single I would consider living in a four bedroom house and have a maid that comes in once a month. Then I could spend a week in each bedroom every month. Different quilts, different decor, not a real bad idea. Would be lonely though.

One of the jobs I have acquired has been chauffeur, driving Carol around to medical visits. While I waited at CMMC out in that interesting parking lot by the helipad, I was looking over the banking towards the railroad tracks behind the parking lot and see this big guy. 

I would say it’s feeding area was down on the rapidly greening grass by the tracks and it’s home is in this stone wall. I’m glad I’m not trying to keep it out of my garden. Looks like it’s eating well.

I have gotten a little more done up on the hill in regards to my wood pile moving project. The base of the 2nd “whafor” has been laid and I have started moving the finely split hardwood to continue it’s construction. Effectively re-locating the original wood pile into 2 new ones. Hopefully, this 2nd “whafor” will hold the rest of the hardwood I bought last fall. Then I will start building another of softwood as I continue the cleaning up process of the area around our septic field and the blow downs lying around the neighbors.

My latest quilt top is coming along quite well.  I think it is Rona 16 but they all have begun to blend together in my head.  Here is a little sample, but I guess I'll tell more about it later as it gets time for a reveal.  That is still a ways off.  

Scrap Quilts

Till next time, whenever it is...

Remember, where ever you go, there you are, if I’m supposed to meet you there and you get there first, draw a blue line where we planned to meet. If I get there first, I’ll rub it out.


  1. Praying for good healing of Carol's back. Oh that can be so miserable. You are a blessing to her I am sure. Much love to you both. <3

  2. I'm glad you're feeling better! My husband, Dave had a cold this week. He was on the couch for 2 days straight. He never gets sick! Then day 3 he popped back up snd was back to his 'puttering/yard work'. I hope Carols back can get straightened out! That is no fun!!! Send her our best! 💞
    Judy Robbins (NH Rangeley)

  3. Carol hope you are feeling better!!


This and That

Carol here ~  What a change in the weather temperature!  I have definitely had too many clothes on the last two days on my walks.  It was al...