Wednesday, February 10, 2021


Carol here ~

When I opened the front shades yesterday morning I caught a glimpse of something moving on the banking below the ridge. Upon closer inspection I could see that it was a fox. 

It came down the banking and ran across our end of the pond and up the banking on the other side. It was beautiful and healthy looking running across the pond with it's bushy red tail straight out behind him. Wish I could of snapped a photo but by the time I could of found my phone it would have been long gone.

I was suppose to go to Falmouth for an appointment yesterday afternoon but it got rescheduled for tomorrow so I spent the time up in the quilting loft.

I am still puttering on my Dogwood Lane quilt. I don’t seem to get things done as fast as I used to ~ maybe because I’m easily distracted by something else.

Oh look, there are birds in the feeder ~ 20 minutes later I’m still sitting there watching them! Also, I’m not sure having a recliner in the loft is a good thing or a bad thing. Just saying….

Anyways, I got the Rangeley Combo Units pieced, pressed, trimmed and trimmed again.

Do you spin or swirl your seams?


I do whenever possible as it reduces the bulk of the fabric which allows the seams to lay nice and flat. It also makes quilting your quilt much easier especially if you are stitching in the ditch!


I have 17 full blocks and 14 partial blocks still to construct so will be puttering at them for a while longer.


While I was up in the loft Dan decided he was going to go “make tracks” out on the pond.

Green Pond

Green Pond

Good thing he wears that bright orange jacket, I can always find him!


This and That

Carol here ~  What a change in the weather temperature!  I have definitely had too many clothes on the last two days on my walks.  It was al...