Friday, February 12, 2021

Out and About

Carol here ~

Yesterday morning I had an appointment in Falmouth. I left the house with plenty of time to spare so I could mosey my way there on the back roads instead of driving on the turnpike. I much prefer back road driving to turnpikes ~ so much more to look at, especially since I rarely leave the house!

After my appointment I gave my Optometry office a call as I was going to go right by it on the way home. My glasses have been cockeyed and driving me crazy ~ if I got them straight on my face then one of the ear pieces was digging into my ear and hurting my nose. I’m sure those of you that wear glasses can relate.

They could see me but I had about 45 minutes or so to kill beforehand. So, I decided to splurge and got a Dunkin coffee and a plain donut.

I am pretty much sugar/gluten/dairy free, probably about 98% of the time, as I have food allergies. But on occasion I do have a treat and usually that treat satisfies me for the next several months. By the way, the donut was not really that good but the coffee was great! 

I got home in time for a walk before my favorite part of the day ~ Zooming with some of my favorite quilting friends!

We have been “meeting up” every two weeks since last spring. It has been great to connect with them while staying safe in our homes.

As you can tell, there is not much going on around here. School vacation is this coming week so hope to meet up with our daughters somewhere for a bit of snowshoeing.

Have a great weekend!

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