Friday, April 14, 2023


Carol here ~

We finally got a warm, sunny day with no wind!  I sat outside working on the binding for 2023-14 while absorbing some much needed Vitamin D.

While I was binding, Dan was puttering on the beach.  The high wind the other day brought us another batch of tree limbs and branches.

We have seen both our daughters this week.  Me met up with Vanessa the other day for a belated Birthday brunch (her birthday was last week)  at the Station Grill Restaurant in Lewiston.  We also had some paperwork that needed her signature so got that taken care of.

She is busy helping granddaughter Kailey with packing etc as Kailey is going on a school trip to Germany next week.  

Erin arrived yesterday afternoon and spent the night.  She is on her way to Cape Cod for a bell ringers event, she is one of the ding-a-lings.  HA, we always knew that anyway.

Another nice day predicted today so that means another binding day.  I told myself I was only going to work on bindings on days I could sit outside and listen to the birdsong and the goings on around the pond, mostly chain saws and leaf blowers this time of year.

The weekend is here ~ enjoy!

Green Pond 4/14/23 6:30 AM

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