Wednesday, November 25, 2020


Carol here~

Well, this happened the other night.

This cute little roll-y stool is the culprit. 

I got it because it had no back and when not in use the whole thing would slide right under my desk and not stick out and be in the way. It tried to throw me one time but I caught myself and didn’t go down. The other night it tried again and succeeded. As my Dad used to say, I went a**hole over tea kettle. So now I have a “small nondisplaced fracture of the radial styloid”. I’m very thankful, could of been a lot worse and also thankful it is my left wrist. The roll-y stool is going straight to the dump!

I have been working on Christmas stockings. I have one made, working on the second one now. 

Hopefully my oopsie will not slow me up too much, I think I can sew alright but might need Dan to do some trimming for me. We have had two new great nephews join the family this year. (almost three, he is past due by three days!) The pattern I am using is HERE COMES SANTA by my good friend Katrina Thomas of The Hope Chest Quilting. Isn’t it the cutest? She also has two other stocking patterns ~ NORDIC STAR and PEPPERMINT STOCKING

We had visitors this morning. Four river otters came out of the woods and ran across the beach into the water.  They were so fun to watch! They swam and dove around and then went up the banking, back to Winter Brook where they probably came from. 

When all their heads popped straight up is when they noticed me. I could hear them chirping/chuckling at each other.

Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving. We are doing our part to being safe and healthy during this COVID pandemic ~ staying home. I don’t like it one bit but I am not going to compromise myself and others for one day. PLEASE do your part ~ stay home if possible. If not, wear your mask, wash your hands and remember the six foot rule. Thank you.


This and That

Carol here ~  What a change in the weather temperature!  I have definitely had too many clothes on the last two days on my walks.  It was al...